Like many people, I’ve been pushed by the protests for racial justice these past few weeks to take a step back, reexamine my place in this world, and think once again about how so many people go through vastly different experiences in life simply because of the color of their skin.
If you’re a fan of my show, you know that during normal times when we’re not in a global pandemic, traveling is a big part of my life. I’ve found that experiencing cultures and seeing how people live in other parts of the world is amazingly effective at breaking down stereotypes and opening my eyes to different perspectives.
But while my initial instinct is to encourage everyone to travel as much as they can, I’m reminded that not everyone has that luxury. Many simply can’t afford to go abroad – even if they’re traveling as cheaply as possible – or they can’t get time off from work. Not everyone can easily get a passport, and some people might feel unsafe or unwelcome going to particular places just because of what they look like.
Now I’ll admit that last point is something I never really thought much about until recently, when I had discussions with a couple of African American friends from high school who’ve themselves done a fair amount of international traveling.
Nate Jackson visiting the Berlin Wall
Nate Jackson — who’s been to five continents — was inspired by his childhood spent reading about the nations of the world in a set of encyclopedias his mother bought him when he was young. And Coy Dailey has gone to about 60 countries with his wife.
Coy Dailey and his wife
The stories they tell about what it’s like to travel as a Black person — both across the United States and abroad — are sometimes funny and sometimes sad, but always eye-opening, and they shed light on what it’s like to constantly stick out from the crowd, even when you’re just trying your best to fit in.
You can listen to my latest episode here:
Until next time, thanks for listening!
Coy and Nate in Argentina